Proper deal making should be an extension of a company's growth strategy. We assist corporations to join hands, exchange shares, make successful buy outs and we also support M & A activities through document translation and on-site support during meetings and negotiations. Negotiations fuel a company's growth under the two major situations especially, when they strengthen a company's current core business or cash cow in a stable industry and secondly, when they provide ways for a corporation to expand into highly related businesses that reinforce the main business. A refined knowledge of a company's basis of competition in its industry should guide proper negotiations and decisions. Or in other words, a basis of competition is how a company makes money, prospers and how it competes in business. In most industries, it represents the single most important factor for winning the market place. Corporations routinely make takeovers that are in conflict with their fundamental basis of competition. On the other hand successful acquirers, always use M&A programs either to analyze their basis of competition or to lead or keep up with their industry as it shifts towards a different basis of competition. Vanenberg has immense expertise in helping corporations to set their growth strategy. We help corporations build their mergers and takeovers programs as a vector of that growth strategy. As key elements of the process we work with corporations to enhance growth aspirations and understand the basis of competition and further decide where to invest and where to divest. We also help them prioritize growth opportunities like mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, joint vanenbergs and partnerships. Furthermore we help our clients develop an M&A program to be at a position of negotiations during a deal. We assist corporations to join hands, exchange shares, make successful buy outs and we also support M & A activities through document translation and on-site support during meetings and negotiations. We employ a dedicated group of executives and translators with specialized legal expertise and experience working in high profile and time-sensitive legal environments. Since our inception, Vanenberg M&A has liaised successfully with advocates and attorneys globally to provide a streamlined solution for multilingual support across all practice areas. We help our customers sort through large volumes of diligence materials, arrive at final terms, and draft multilingual agreements in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. Vanenberg M&A International offers an array of solutions geared toward supporting legal professionals. We have observed for a long time mergers and acquisitions in the banking industry, where customers are continually faced with the uncertainty and confusion that comes with name changes and staff turnover. Vanenberg has adopted the long-term target of remaining independent, thereby providing a high level of consistency in both staff and service levels. The objective of this policy is to develop an environment to foster relationships that span multiple generations of our customer’s families.